WGSO People

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Anne Dale

Wednesday, May 07 2008

Rating 5.0/5

A real Southern lady, jewelry designer Anne Dale can be heard Saturday mornings on WGSO’s The Anne Dale Show. Anne is the daughter of famed New Orleans Jazz drummer Paul Ferrara playing with Al Hirt over 25 years and Louie Prima for 2 years. Anne has a rhythm all her own; besides owning Anne Dale Jeweller in Mandeville she has developed a line of jewelry to help people in need – Jeweler for a Cause.

The Anne Dale Jeweler for a Cause Collection rose out of the flood waters of hurricane Katrina with her I Love New Orleans jewelry designs. This expanding collection includes jewelry items for many causes raising money and awareness for people in need. The Anne Dale Jeweler for a Cause Collection is available to over 40,000 jewelry outlets nationwide, Made in Louisiana and has raised nearly $200,000.00 proceeds to help people in need.

Listen in Saturday Mornings to learn more about jewelry design, diamonds/gemstones romance/relationships as Anne offers interesting conversation and interviews with local and national movers and shakers.

Anne Dale is owner of Anne Dale Jeweller in Mandeville, former director of Gem-A USA (the U.S. branch of the Gemmological Association of Great Britain), a well respected gemologist within the jewelry industry, a public speaker on diamonds/gemstones and expert witness for the Internal Revenue Service.

Anne is a past recipient of The Diamond in the Rough by the Association of Women Gemologist, elected to the Republican State Central Committee District 74B, Woman of the Year by the Business and Professional Women of Saint Tammany, and voted Best Jewelry Store on the North Shore in 2007.

Source: WGSO Website

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